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10 Great benefits of pine pollen-Part One


10 Great benefits of pine pollen-Part One


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Pine pollen can directly supplement nutrition. It can also improve digestive function, absorb nutrients from food, replenish energy for the body, increase endurance, and make it less likely to fatigue. Pine pollen can also regulate the nervous system, relieve mental and work stress, and relieve fatigue caused by various burdens and in middle-aged and elderly people. Pine pollen can reduce the level of lactic acid in the body and is suitable for overtime workers, students preparing for exams, athletes before competitions and other people with heavy labor intensity and mental workload.


The trace elements, flavonoids, arginine, vitamins C, E, carotene and selenium contained in pine pollen all have the effect of scavenging free radicals in the body and can increase the body's antioxidant enzymes (such as copper-zinc superoxide dismutase, etc.) ) activity, inhibit lipid peroxidation, eliminate age spots, and delay cell aging.The reason why pine pollen can rejuvenate people is that its diverse active nutrients interact with each other to adjust the functions of the whole body, maintain the youthful vitality of body tissues, and make people smarter and smarter, thereby delaying aging and increasing life span.


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3.Skin care and beauty

Pine pollen is rich in amino acids, all natural vitamins and a variety of enzymes, which can enhance skin metabolism, increase skin elasticity and delay skin aging. The coordinated action of vitamins C, E and B vitamins can activate cells, remove free radicals, block the occurrence of chloasma and butterfly spots, eliminate skin melanin, reduce and remove acne, making the skin white and beautiful; at the same time, it is good for bright hair Hair also has better results.

Pine pollen has excellent therapeutic effects on skin diseases. Unbroken pine pollen has strong water absorption, can remove dampness, astringe and stop bleeding. For external use, it can dispel wind and stop bleeding, soothe and reduce inflammation. It has no irritation to the skin, no allergies and other side effects; it is good for eczema, yellow water sores, skin erosion, and thick water. It has a good therapeutic effect on dripping, traumatic bleeding, diaper dermatitis, etc. It is especially used for skin care and soothing of infants and young children, and for preventing and treating skin eczema in children. It has good curative effect and quick results.

Pine pollen is effective in preventing and treating skin itching in the elderly and can also prevent and treat bedsores.

4.Control weight

Pine pollen is nutritionally balanced, rich in fiber and low in calories. 72.5% of the fatty acids contained in it are unsaturated fatty acids. It works synergistically with vitamin E to regulate human cholesterol in both directions, making muscles strong and well-proportioned.

The cellulose content in pine pollen is as high as 29%. On the one hand, it can produce a feeling of satiety, reduce food intake, and avoid overnutrition; on the other hand, it can inhibit and delay the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides in the lymph during fat metabolism. At the same time, fiber can promote intestinal function and speed up fecal excretion. Research and experiments conducted by the People's Liberation Army General Hospital and Germany have confirmed that pine pollen increases the excretion of cholesterol in the feces by 0.8 times and the excretion of triglycerides by 2 times. The excretion of more than ten fatty acids from carbon 12 to carbon 22 increases by up to about 7 times.

The lecithin in pine pollen also accelerates the burning of fat in the body, and its diuretic properties also aid in weight loss.

Both the Shen Nong's Materia Medica of the Han Dynasty and the New Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty recorded that taking pine pollen for a long time can lead to weight loss. Modern scientific research and practice have also confirmed that weight control is the inevitable result of taking pine pollen.

5.Brain-building and intelligence-enhancing

Brain cells are more sensitive than other body cells, and their functions are not affected by nutrition at all times.

Pine pollen is full of easily absorbed proteins, amino acids and lecithin, as well as vitamins, sugars, various trace elements and nucleic acids, which can nourish the brain and nervous system, provide energy to the brain, make it think quickly and concentrate, Improve memory, study and work for a long time without getting tired; it can also improve sleep, relieve irritability, relieve stress, regulate emotions, and is of great help to the intellectual development of children and adolescents, overcome restlessness, and improve students' performance in preparing for exams. It is also very beneficial for speech delay, depression, eccentricities and forgetfulness caused by cerebral arteriosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

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