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15 questions will help you understand the anti-aging artifact NMN. Pay special attention to the 15th question!


15 questions will help you understand the anti-aging artifact NMN. Pay special attention to the 15th question!


1. What is NAD+?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), whose scientific name is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, also known as coenzyme I, is an important coenzyme that is ubiquitous in all organisms. NAD+ plays a key role in many biological processes within cells, especially energy metabolism, DNA repair, and gene expression regulation. Due to its importance in cellular function, NAD+ levels and activity are tightly linked to health, aging, and disease. However, NAD+ molecules are relatively large and cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by the human body when taken orally.

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2. What is NMN?

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), whose scientific name is β-nicotinamide mononucleotide, is the precursor of NAD+. It can bypass the restriction of the rate-limiting enzyme. It is absorbed very quickly in the body and can be directly converted into NAD+, so it can be used as a supplement. NAD+ direct, fast and effective method.

3. Can we get NMN from food?

NMN itself is a naturally occurring substance in humans and organisms. It is present in some natural foods, including edamame, broccoli, avocado, tomatoes, etc., but in very small amounts. For example, if you want to supplement the daily requirement of 500mg NMN, you need to eat at least 53 pounds of edamame. Therefore, it is definitely not enough to supplement NMN through food alone.

4. What does NMN do?

Enhance cellular energy metabolism, slow down the cellular aging process through mechanisms such as enhancing DNA repair, reducing oxidative stress and improving mitochondrial function, and use cellular roots to delay aging. In addition, NMN also has various benefits such as improving immune function, enhancing blood vessel vitality, controlling weight, promoting heart and brain health, and improving physical vitality and endurance.

5. How long does it take to take NMN to see the effects?

The effectiveness of NMN supplements varies from person to person, as it is affected by many factors, including dosage, frequency, individual health, and more. Persistence in taking NMN is the key. Under normal circumstances, after taking NMN for 3-4 weeks, the body begins to change, and obvious effects can be seen in about 2-3 months. It is worth noting that according to feedback from Healthway NMN users, short-term use has also brought about significant improvements, generally manifested in two major changes: improved sleep quality and more energy during the day.

6. Is it safe to take NMN?

Numerous human clinical trial results have verified that oral NMN is safe, well tolerated, and has no adverse effects, whether on healthy people, sub-healthy people, or the elderly.

7. Is there any scientific basis for NMN’s anti-aging effects?

From 1904 to the present, in the century-old development history of NAD+, a total of 4 scientists have won the Nobel Prize. CNS, the world's three top academic journals - Cell, Nature, and Science, have published multiple papers related to NMN and its metabolite NAD+, demonstrating the remarkable effects of NMN in areas such as delaying aging, repairing DNA damage, regulating metabolism, and protecting the heart.

In 2013, David Sinclair, a tenured professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard, published an article on Cell stating that when 22-month-old mice were supplemented with NAD+ for only 1 month, key indicators such as mitochondria and muscle health returned to their 6-month-old state. , physiological age reversal by 30%.

In 2016, the National Center for Anti-Aging Research confirmed that NAD+ can repair human DNA to extend human lifespan.

In 2020, in the ranking of the world's most potential anti-aging substances published by the top academic journal Nature, NAD+ and its precursor substances performed well and were listed in the first echelon.

In 2021, Science launched the world's first NMN human clinical trial results, further confirming the safety and effectiveness of NMN on the human body and helping to improve the aging metabolic function of the human body.

8. What is the recommended age to start NMN supplementation?

It can be taken by people over the age of 18, especially after the age of 25, supplementation should be started in time. The level of NAD+ in the human body decreases with age, and almost every manifestation of aging you can imagine is related to the reduction of NAD+. After the age of 25, human metabolism decreases significantly, and the decline becomes even more obvious after the age of 30. Timely supplementation of NMN can increase NAD+ levels, which can help delay aging and maintain the body's long-term youthfulness.

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9. What is the optimal daily intake of NMN?

Recommended doses of NMN can vary widely. Optimal NMN doses are calculated based on efficacy and safety studies in humans and animals. The recommended dose for adults aged 30 to 60 years is 500 mg per day, with increasing doses recommended as age increases. Bryan Johnson, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who is 7 months younger and 5.1 years younger, includes 500 mg of NMN daily in his public list of self-administered supplements.

10. What is the best time to take NMN?

NMN supplements are generally recommended to be taken with breakfast or in the morning to help provide energy and help adjust to the body's natural circadian rhythm.

11. Can NMN be taken together with other health supplements?

NMN is a naturally occurring substance in the body, so it is safe to take with common health products on the market. Many academic experts, such as David Sinclair, a tenured professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard, and Andrew Huberman, a professor of neurobiology at Stanford, have in addition to NMN on their supplement list, there are also TMG betaine, betaine, and betaine. Take supplements such as veratrol and metformin together.

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12. Can I still take NMN if I am taking anti-diabetic or anti-hypertensive drugs?

Yes, but try not to eat at the same time, at least three hours apart. NMN helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar, so it is recommended to check blood pressure and blood sugar every day and adjust the dosage of antihypertensive sugar or antihypertensive drugs immediately.

13. Can tumors and cancer patients take NMN?

Not recommended. Research results on this topic are inconsistent and highly controversial, but there is research suggesting that NMN may inadvertently promote cancer cell survival and resistance. Therefore, it is not recommended for people diagnosed with cancer or tumors to take NMN.

14. Who else is not recommended to take NMN?

NMN is not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women because of insufficient research data.

15. Will there be any obvious reaction in the body immediately after taking NMN?

It is possible to feel better. NMN can increase NMN levels in the body within a few minutes, and NAD+ levels can increase within 60 minutes, so it is not recommended to eat at night.

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