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The role of fisetin


The role of fisetin

2024-08-09 16:33:49
In today's research, there is a growing interest in exploring how to protect the heart muscle and treat osteoarthritis. One such substance that has received a lot of attention is Fisetin , which is found in a variety of common vegetables and fruits such as strawberries, apples, persimmons, onions and cucumbers. In addition to its anti-cancer, antioxidant, and memory-boosting effects mentioned in previous articles, it has shown significant health benefits in recent studies, particularly in cardiovascular and joint health.
Fisetin is thought to help attenuate myocardial reperfusion injury, significantly reducing the rate of apoptosis in myocardial reperfusion injury cells, and has also shown potential in the treatment of osteoarthritis. These findings offer new hope and possibilities for individuals seeking to improve their health. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of how laccasein affects the progression of these important diseases and its promising application in future clinical therapies is critical to our understanding and response to these health challenges. In this article, we will explore the mechanisms of action of laccasein in cardioprotection and osteoarthritis treatment, and hope to provide readers with an in-depth and comprehensive perspective.

Osteoarthritis is a common inflammatory disease in the world, which is mainly characterized by pathological changes such as cartilage damage and degeneration, sclerosis of the subchondral bone and contracture and deformation of the joint capsule. The occurrence of osteoarthritis is closely related to the inflammatory environment in the joints, oxygen gradient disorders, accumulation of senescent cells, etc. In response to the above factors, laccasein can prevent the development of osteoarthritis through different pathways.Fisetin can promote the apoptosis of senescent cells, inhibit vascularization, block the abnormal crosstalk between subchondral bone and cartilage, regulate inflammatory factors, protect chondrocytes from oxidative stress and promote the apoptosis of senescent cells.
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Fisetin has the ability to target cancer cells to induce apoptosis. It was found that the number of senescent fibro-adipose progenitor cells was significantly reduced and the number of muscle progenitor/stem cells was increased in the muscles of Zmpste24-/- mice after the intervention of Fisetinin, which proved that Fisetinin has the same ability to target senescent cells to induce apoptosis.

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